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Fly Pass Races to Success

Fly Pass Races to Success


It felt like it was a long time coming, however, I was delighted to finally see Fly Pass get herself a well deserved win at Catterick under Fred Larson having been the bridesmaid on so many occasions. The filly, who was previously owned by Nick Bradley Racing, had been on a winter holiday prior to an encouraging reappearance at Yarmouth a few weeks ago. Jumping smartly from the gates, Fred Larson took the initiative to make the running as there was no pace in the race and had built up a healthy lead coming round the home turn. Coming into the straight, it looked momentarily like Fly Pass was going to run out of steam halfway down the straight but she somehow managed to find another gear to go on and win from pillar to post.

There is, however, another side to this story as the breeder of Fly Pass had contacted me as her dam had sadly passed away while giving birth and so he was desperately trying to retain part of the family line.  Having contacted me prior to her Yarmouth run we came to an agreement that I would make the filly a winner before taking up her new role as a broodmare. Now that this part has been completed, Fly Pass will return to Ireland to live her life as a mother and I hope she will be very lucky for her new owner.

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